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June 3, 2016 - No Comments!

How Old is your Air conditioning System?

5, 10, 15 20+ years?

From the very first time you start your new Air conditioning system it begins to loose energy efficiency

In the first few years, on top of maintenance and repair costs your system will loose efficiency in the following way

Year 1: Loss  7%
Year 2 Loss 12%
Year 3  Loss 14%
Year 5 Loss 18%
Year 10 Loss massive 28%-30%.

This all means that your 10 year old Ac system will have lost 30% of its operational efficiency and is now costing you 30% more in ELECTRICITY to achieve the same temperatures…….

Air conditioning technology has improved considerably in the last few years, a new system will be significantly more efficient than a comparable system 10 years of age.

Find out exactly how efficient your Air conditioning systems are by requesting a free

“Building Health check”

Click here

After all it wont cost you a cent to find out how much you could save over the life time of your Air conditioning plant.

For more information or to have our experts contact you click here

Notes: Pictures of new Ac vs old, graph of increased energy usage and paint costs etc

June 3, 2016 - No Comments!

Who is looking after your assets?

Not all Maintenance programs are the same

There has been a trend lately where Building owners and Facility managers are requiring their tenants to manage the maintenance of the Air Conditioning and ventilation systems in their tenancies.

Most lease contracts under this scenario will see the tenant covering the costs for the maintenance of the systems with the Building owner/ Facility manager covering capital losses and equipment failures due to wear and tear.

If you are a Building Owner or a Facility Manager and you use these sorts of lease agreements you are opening yourself up to greatly increased repair frequency and costs, shortening of effective equipment life and equipment failures that could and should have been prevented.

P3 Solutions’ clients are predominately Building owners and Facility Managers, we see first hand the costs of repairs that could have and should have been avoided……. if only the Maintenance program of the systems was of a reasonable standard.

A tenant will look for the cheapest maintenance service they can buy, after all it is an expense to their business. It is unfortunately a greater expense to your business as the quality of the maintenance program has a large impact on the life of your assets.

P3 Solutions have developed a comprehensive unique “Essential Services Maintenance Program” that has proven over the last 12 years to increase system efficiency and operational effectiveness and reduce major component and non scheduled down time by up to 73%!!!!

In one instance our client’s systems were 15 years old and in very bad condition. P3  Instituted the ‘Essential Services Maintenance Program’, within 12 months our client had reduced electrical costs, increased efficiency. He also reduced down time and component failures to almost zero.

In the first 12 months he saved $15,000.00 in repair costs compared the both previous year.

The best part of this story is 7 years later these same systems operate in the same manner.

Not all Maintenance programs are the same, find out today the quality of maintenance that is being performed/ not performed on your expensive assets.

P3 Solutions, “Essential Services Maintenance Program” is the most cost effective way of protecting your assets for the long term.

Call today for a no obligation consultation and see the difference.

June 3, 2016 - No Comments!

To LED or not to LED…

Fluorescent lighting has been quite a popular choice in home and office lighting over many years. However, if you are considering new lighting, switching to LEDs may be the smartest decision you will make to lower your electric bill, increase occupant comfort and decrease your carbon footprint.

Here’s why: when choosing the best lighting option for your space, it’s not enough to just look at wattage, but to compare

The prices of the bulbs Flouro Bulbs are inexpensive to buy, however when you factor in the maintenance and replacement costs compared to LED they actually become quite expensive. 

Longevity: Flouro 9000 hrs  / LED 50,000 hrs

Energy efficiency LED’s use approx 30% of the energy of a floor, more than this the heat emitted is considerably less saving on Air conditioning running costs.

Environmental friendliness Flouro bulbs contain Mercury, they also are difficult to dispose of safely. LED lights have no Mercury and are easily recycled at end of life

Lighting Quality Flouro bulbs dissipate the light with significant losses in the space, LED lights are more directional and have very few losses

The ROI for LED installations varies with each installation, typically is less than 2 years, for a complete condition report and estimate

click here

Want more information, a P3 Solutions expert will come to you free of charge to discuss your lighting options

Click here 

June 3, 2016 - No Comments!

Backflow Testing

Backflow Devices

If you have any of the following you will have BackFlow devices fitted in your building.

  • an irrigation system
  • fire hose reels or hydrants
  • a commercial or industrial activity or machinery connected to the mains
  • water outlets in proximity to pollutants, grease traps or chemicals
  • an underground rainwater tank that has mains water backup.
What is a Back flow device ?

A backflow prevention device prevents the reverse flow of water from a potentially polluted source into the potable (drinking) water supply system.

If you have any of the above you will have Backflow devices fitted, these devices need to be registered with the Council and Tested annually. The test reports also need be submitted to the council.

P3 Solutions are experts in Back flow testing.

Contact us today!

June 2, 2016 - No Comments!

Lights Out?

Are the lights in your building/ office out when they need to be? Do you know when the lights are required to be on and off? Are you paying for lighting when you don't need to be?

We don't often think about the real cost of and effects of lighting in buildings, we should, this is one area that with small changes can have a marked impact on the working life of the building and on the bottom line.

A few things to consider:

  • What type of lights are currently installed
  • How old are they and what is their replacement strategy
  • How are they controlled
  • What happens when you are not around
  • Do you know real cost of lighting in your building

The above questions are the basis for developing a lighting strategy for your building.

The goal of providing a better indoor environment for your staff/ tenants while experiencing greater control and reducing your carbon foot print is achievable…….more than that though, how do you achieve all this while reducing your electricity costs and the curb your ongoing maintenance costs and maximising the ROI.

Find out more here  (click here)

P3 Solutions are experts in Lighting control for commercial buildings, click here for a no obligation consultation and report.